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Life Coach especialista en:

Conexión consciente contigo mismo(a) y con Dios, Estrés y Ansiedad, Amor propio, Relaciones interpersonales, Descubrir tu propósito, Duelo, Liberación de emociones atrapadas.

Agenda tu Sesión
(sessions available in English)

Acerca de mí

Soy Ingeniera Industrial y de sistemas, pero sentí el llamado divino de reinventarme y supe que parte de mi propósito de vida es ayudar a que las personas se atrevan a vivir la vida que Dios tiene para ellos.

Mi misión es guiarte y brindarte contención a través de mi propia experiencia, con herramientas poderosas que te ayuden a trascender emociones y creencias limitantes, para que puedas hacer ese cambio en tu vida.

Todo es posible para el que cree, así que es hora de creerle a Dios y tomar las riendas de tu vida  para poder vivir la vida que anhelas.



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When I first tried Flower Therapy, I didn’t really know much about it, so I didn’t have an opinion. I had been dieting for a year, but had been stuck at the same weight for many months, and I was very discouraged & frustrated about it. I was also overwhelmed by work, taxes, bills - you name it. I had heard flower therapy was very good at helping “stuck” emotions, and Luisa suggested I give it a try… so I could get a “shift” in my energy. 

She guided me through several questions in order to come up with the perfect blend for what I was going through… even if I couldn’t quite express it, she has a lot of intuition, so she was able to come up with the right blend. 

Well, I had only used it for maybe 48 hours, and no one knew I was taking it, but I got several comments from people I worked with, saying that I was happier, less stressed out and more energetic.  

I immediately started losing the weight again. I am now only 8 lbs away from a goal weight I have been struggling to achieve for the last 16 years. 

Fast-forward to recently, I felt like I had emotions that were bothering me but I couldn’t figure them out and why I was struggling so much. I remembered the Flower Therapy again and went through the process again with Luisa, and again… immediately, it has started to work. I have shifted already. 

I highly, highly recommend Luisa’s Flower Therapy, because she is very gifted with intuition, to know which blend of the flowers is right for you, and what will work in your situation. She is a gifted healer and knows how to shift your energy to the positive, and get you going in the right direction. Thank you, Luisa!!!!

Carine Horner


Una de mis formas favoritas de expresar mis emociones es atravez de la  música, te invito a escucharla y espero que puedas conectar conmigo atravez de ella, todas han sido compuestas en momentos importantes de mi vida y creadas con ayuda divina.

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"Diario de gratitud a la luz de la biblia"

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